BC 250/2 BY AC

The difference between this line of products and the standard type AP and APL is the resistance to pressure that, in this case, is a little lower. We therefore believe that with such pressures, the BC line is suitable for many uses into the oleo hydraulic field.

The new BC line can be equipped with an integrated by-pass valve.
It is available on the following types: BC 250, BC 250/2, BC 390, BC 390/2 e BC 390/3

The operating principle of the by-pass valve is the following: the valve is inside the lower tank, front of the oil-inlet connection; when the pressure inside the tank exceed the load spring pressure, the valve opens allowing the oil to circulate into a duct obtained inside the cooling element side instead of inside the cooling element itself.

Maximum working static pressure: 16 bar; test pressure: 25 bar.

Technical datas (range)
Oil FlowPower (DT 25°C)in/out oil sidemotor flowdisplacement
l/min kWGASl/mincc/r

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